Movies and Music, TV and Music


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Dealing With IT by Terry Dugan

The department filled with people who are supposed to take care of the technical issues in your company is called the IT (information technology) department. Sometimes this department is called the IS (information systems) department. No matter what it's called, IT IS worthless...

The Threat of Disease, Viruses, Super Bugs, and Bioweapons - Oh My by Lance Winslow

Recently, I was discussing with an acquaintance the issues of the greatest challenges of human kind. One of the topics we immediately identified was the threats of diseases. And it would be hard for anyone to deny that reality wouldn't it...

Save Our Gorillas by Gareth Westhead

Gorillas are fascinating animals, capable of showing "human-like" behaviours and emotions such as joy and sadness. They are immensely powerful animals, with the capability of lifting objects humans would find impossible. However this strength along with their intelligence has provided little defence against humans encroaching on and destroying their habitat...

Transplanting Plum Island to Kansas: Is the Country's Food Supply at Risk? by Robert Herriman

The controversial animal disease research laboratory, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, located on the relatively remote island off the tip of Long Island will be moving to the heartland of America, Manhattan, Kansas, sometime on or around 2014. The National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) will be planted on Kansas State University and according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), it will not be a laboratory of bioweapons saying that anthrax, plague, ebola and smallpox will NOT be studied there at the proposed state of the art BSL-4 lab...

Old Biological Weapons by Quinton Crawford

It is interesting to realize the fact that AIDS, Ebola, and several other super-viruses, and infectious agents began in areas were the people are considered expendable. Many have and will be produced by natural mutation, but several are actually loose biological weapons/ or manufactured population control agents...

Need To Find Out Who Just Called Your Phone? Here's How It's Done by Alex E

Were you looking for a way to find out who called? Here's the best way to do it...

Rabbit Diseases - VHD by Rob Usakowski

What Is VHD? Rabbit Viral Hemorrhagic Disease (VHD) is a highly contagious disease caused by a calicivirus...

Chinese Dwarf Hamsters Make Great Pets by Matthew A. Boreau

If you want to adopt a Chinese dwarf hamster the first thing that you need to do is to check with your national and local governments. Unfortunately, in the case of this pet, you cannot rely on your local pet shop to only be selling legal animals...

Leadership Lessons and Invisible Roles by Sylvia Lee Lafair

The most incredible of leaders has an understanding of this invisible realm of role playing. They may need to call in professional help, yet, they have to have an ability to at least describe what they see happening at work to get things moving in a positive direction. Leaders who can make change happen may not be able to obviously see their own hidden roles, however, once they can see the roles that others are playing that lead toward a destructive place, a light begins to shine that can be the way for everyone to get out of the darkness of the hurt and upse...

Evolution Or Eruption: How Google Spots An E-Commerce Site That Cheats by Alec John Bancroft

When the internet first kicked off the early versions of search engines had an easy job. All they had to do was look at what keywords the site seemed to associate itself with and use them to understand what the site was about. Then money was introduced into the equation!...

Web Success Series: Number 1 - You Gotta Start Someplace by Stephanie Rosendahl

The top web hosts recognize that our success depends on your success so, as part of their core corporate culture, a good host provides all the tools you need to build, launch and manage a successful web-based business - including the information you need to do it RIGHT! So welcome to the first in a series of "how-to" articles on topics related to web success. We'll keep it simple, eliminate the techno-babble and provide, not only the tools, but the know-how to achieve web success...

Top 10 Overused Expressions by Elisheba Haqq-Stevens

Since I like to write, the value of a well chosen word or phrase is not lost on me. But lately I have noticed some common phrases that once sounded fresh and interesting have become tired and annoying from overuse. Therefore before the year 2011 comes to an end I am officially releasing my list of: TOP TEN EXPRESSIONS THAT SHOULD CLOSE THEIR EYES ON THIS WORLD FOREVER...

Book Review of "Uncaged," by Paul McKellips by Steven M King

What would happen if a country decided to manufacture a deadly biological weapon - and then dangle the threat of its release as a warning in an attempt to blackmail the world? Paul McKellips writes of just such a scenario is in his amazing fictional thriller, Uncaged...

US Bioterror Concern: Good for Pharmaceuticals and Bad For Natural Treatments by Heather M. Davis

The Associated Press reported recently that the nation's federal health officials are worried about biological weaponry treatment stockpiles. There is a stockpile of 60 million 60 day anthrax treatments, small pox vaccines, and adapted small pox vaccines for the uncompromising but there is a growing concern for the preparation for a number of other illnesses. As a result of this pressure, pharmaceutical companies are now drawn to a push for the development of multipurpose treatments in order to expedite the preparation process. What will this new multipurpose drug fad yield?...

Marburg Virus - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment by Alina Kapur

Marburg virus is a type of disease that causes hemorrhagic or bleeding fever. It is a highly severe and contagious type of fever caused from the family of the filoviruses...

Negative Thinking: How to Escape the Mental Minefield of Limiting and Distressing Thoughts by Gareth Mitchell

Some people try to block out negative thoughts, others try to rationalise them a way. But one things for sure, trying to fight them off with either of those strategies is a sure fire quite route to insanity. So here's a new strategy to try: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em...

Health Insurance Quotes on a Rise by Jay J Sanghvi

The United States passed a mandatory health insurance law in 1798 under the second president and founding father, John Adams. The bill was given the name 'An Act of Rights for the Relief and Disabled Seamen.' This law was made mandatory for any private employees and maritime vessels that were current and this act was carried out for several years...

God: The Intelligent Designer? Oops! by John Prytz

One alleged proof of an Almighty deity is that life, the Universe and everything (LUE) is apparently designed in an intelligent, not in a random way. Part of that life is of course human beings, like you. Are you intelligently designed? If you answer "Yes", I'll say "Bull"! Is the rest of LUE intelligently designed to optimise your love and respect of your alleged Almighty Creator? If you answer "Yes" yet again, I'll say "Bull yet again"!..

Three Reasons to Get Vaccinated for Yellow Fever by Slava Fuzayloff

Headed on a trip, but unsure what vaccinations you should get before you go? All the recommendations and requirements can be confusing at first, but checking the listings on the Center for Disease Control and scheduling a consult with a travel health doctor at a specialized travel clinic are good places to start. If you are headed to a tropical or subtropical region of South America or Africa, you may be exposed to yellow fever, a virus spread by contact with some species of primates as well as the bite of female mosquitos. Yellow fever can be dangerous, so if you're traveling to an area where the disease is prevalent, here are three good reasons to get vaccinated...

The CDC Museum in Atlanta by Pam Haney

The David J. Sencer CDC Museum is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention facility in Atlanta. It is the only part of the CDC that is open to the public. The CDC Museum is designed to teach visitors about public health, the function of the CDC, and the benefits of prevention. The museum operates in affiliation with the Smithsonian Institution. Admission to the CDC Museum is free...

Yellow Fever Vaccination - Prevention Is Key by Slava Fuzayloff

So you're planning a big adventure and your destination country requires proof of immunization against yellow fever; want to know what yellow fever is and how to get the vaccine and certification to prove it? Many travelers are affected by the certification requirement, but if you are going to a tropical or subtropical region of Africa or South America it's particularly applicable! Read on to learn the basics about yellow fever and why prevention is so important...

Communicating Excellence As A Leader by Mark Furlong

Once your vision is clear and your commitment is strong, learn how to communicate and keep learning. At almost every level, in almost any setting, from our self-talk, interaction with God, spouse, children, work, church, teams, schools, organizations, large corporations, governments, and nations one of the most fundamental problems is lack of clear communication...

What Is Periodontal (Gum) Disease? by Cias Hart

What do you mean my gums have a disease? Periodontal disease is actually one of the more common ailments in modern society. This article describes how gum disease occurs, the symptoms, and what you can do to fight back...

H7N9 Avian Flu In 2013 - Should We Be Worried Yet? by Lance Winslow

Well it appears that the CDC is paying attention to the upcoming flu season here in the US. We actually have several threats on the horizon; two strains of flu and the Middle Eastern MERS virus. Not very nice viruses to say the least, quite deadly in every regard, no not near 100% kill rate of an Ebola type virus, but scary nevertheless, for anyone unlucky enough to contract them. Let's talk shall we?...

Are Wheat and Whole Grains Killing You? by Ken Keis

You bet wheat (grains) are killing you-according to Dr. William Davis, a medical doctor and author of the best-selling book, Wheat Belly. The path of destruction is deep and wide and global in every sense of the word. If wheat were a pathogen, it would be equivalent to a full-blown pandemic of the Ebola virus...

Types of Microbes by Fengling Li

A microbe is a living organism which is too small to be seen by the unaided human eye. Millions of microbes live on the planet; most of them are single-celled organisms. They can be divided into five types based on the distinct characteristics...

Phoenix Rising by Tim G Williams

As the world spins closer to an apocalyptic event where the rule of law is anarchy one can not help wondering would life on the other side be that much different in the outcome? Questions need to be asked if mankind has any hope of staving off a reality too horrific to even contemplate. Cultures have clashed through-out the ages for it has always been for the pursuit of power, control and wealth that has dominated man's conscious thoughts and actions since the beginning of time...

Effective Homeopathy: A Misnomer for KELEA Activated Water by Dr. W. John Martin, M.D., Ph.D.

For over a century, the goal of therapeutic medicine has been to specifically correct the biochemical abnormalities identifiable in diseased cells by using pharmaceutical drugs. Biochemical pathways of various infecting microbes have also been selectively targeted using drugs. The amounts of drug needed are consistent with direct biochemical effects on the diseased cells or infecting microbes. Homeopathy, by contrast, claims that sub-biochemical amounts of various drugs can also have specific beneficial effects. A fresh interpretation of homeopathy is offered in this article. It is that homeopathy does not have the specificity claimed by its proponents, yet can be therapeutic in providing KELEA activated water as a means of enhancing the alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway...

A Physician's Alternative View of the Ebola Crisis - "An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Ton of Cure" by Richard Ruhling

Modern medicine loves limelight and heroics with huge $$$ attached. So we want to bring patients from Africa to America. It's as if we are smarter than everyone else and can be heroes. Never mind the huge risk, like the recent CDC fiasco of exposing employees to anthrax. Now it's Ebola! Talk about yearning for the apocalypse after this government thumbs its nose at God on other issues...

Emotional Fire - The Ignition Propelling Every Significant Change by Alexa Keating

From the Ebola nightmare to the Israeli - Gaza conflict, the border crisis, bullying and all of the things that dominate our daily news, the issues dominate because there is an emotional firestorm in their midst. The best possible conclusion to an emotional firestorm is that it significantly raises our consciousness. When our attention is riveted to any issue, it forces us to seek solutions where we may have been willing to avert our eyes and look away before. This same principal is true in our daily lives..

The Current Global Ebola Outbreak: Real or False Flag? by Paul A Philips

Forget for a moment the opinions of the so called experts and the general consensus of the masses. What if there's some alternative explanation to the Ebola outbreak...

Monetary Versus Political Stability When Day Turns Into Night by Jeffrey Lewis

The world monetary system is even more tightly wound. Each day that goes by whistling past the reality guarantees that. When the next crash arrives, the dollar's demise will play center stage...

Nutritional Illness Prevention by Christina Major

MERS, flu, anthrax, ebola... These are the headlines. You may think that what you eat has nothing to do with whether or not you get the flu this year. Or you may start to realize we are what we eat...

Ebola - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment by Knut Holt

Ebola is a highly deadly disease caused by a virus. There is no treatment against the cause of the disease yet, and no vaccine. So far the disease has not easily spread out of very restricted areas, but the virus seems to be getting ability to a more aggressive spread...

Police Militarization: The Sign to Flee the Cities Given by Christ? by Richard Ruhling

Christ's warning in Matthew 24 was understood by early believers as military force, and their fleeing Jerusalem in obedience spared them the siege and destruction by Titus. But the warning was not only for Jerusalem, but "the end of the world," Matthew 24:3,15...

Fear Not, I Will Help You! by Jacobs Adewale

Who is there who will give ear to this? Who will try to listen and read through these words? In the midst of these plagues we see today - depression, economic melt down, global recession, earthquakes, tsunami, wars, ethnic and religious conflicts, sicknesses as cancer, Ebola; etc - are you scared?...

You May Be Courageous and Bold, But Also Sensitive and Timid, and So Needing a Word of Peace! by Sandy Shaw

With all that is going on in our world as this is being written can this incident encourage all those who need a word of uplift and encouragement and motivation and inspiration? What is the world coming to? We have had twenty Centuries of Christianity, but are we any nearer the New Jerusalem? If Christ is Lord of history, where is He leading us? It appears to be all a shambles - morally - financially - spiritually - politically. Ah, Thomas you are such a help here. Thomas is a troubled sensitive beleaguered but courageous soul in that Upper Room. Are we not all a mixture of these emotions and feelings to some degree? Can we this coming week minister to some troubled sensitive beleaguered soul? We will not have far to look for one...

Intervention and The Misery of Fiat by Jeffrey Lewis

The world monetary system is even more tightly wound. Each day that goes by whistling past the reality guarantees that. When the next crash arrives, the dollar's demise will play center stage...

The Racial Divide by Tim G Williams

The recent tragedy in Ferguson Mo. has sparked the outcry of racial tensions that have been building for quite some time. For over three decades there has been a rising tide of racial tensions sweeping across the country, A sociological transformation that has pitted the African American community against seemingly impossible odds to advance their social status. We have to remember that it just isn't the African American community that has seen a deterioration of opportunities to advance their quality of life. Every ethnic group in the entire country has been adversely affected by a system that continues to rob the majority of the population of those opportunities. Today, we should point out that too many Americans whether they are African American or not continue to be exploited by corrupt politicians, economic policies, and our judicial system...

How Do You Achieve Stability In An Unstable World? by Paul A Philips

Achieving stability means finding a reliable boat to stay afloat on in a choppy unstable sea. In this analogy this means achieving stability by first identifying that which needs to be taken care of the most in and amongst the chaos or disruption in your life...

Your Vote: The Difference Between Life and Death by Akinola Odunukan

Gone are the days when Nigerians could afford to trade their votes on the basis of peanuts, breadfruits or the tastier plate of rice, as if they never really mattered. The wager is much higher now than 'stomach infrastructure' as our present day circumstances call for certain kinds of stringent leadership choices...

Ebola Epidemic: Causes, Symptoms and Precautionary Measures by Troy A Anderson

The Ebola virus has caused widespread fear. It has taken many casualties in West Africa and if unchecked, it can spread to other areas. Read this article to know its causes, symptoms and how to take preventive measures...,-Symptoms-and-Precautionary-Measures&id=8695686 

Murder by Idols by Norma Holt

Idols are everywhere and they are not confined to religious organisations but to everyday life. Even a TV program can be an idol while celebrities, statues, images of all kinds make up a large part of the things that offend the real God...

Ebola Stigma by Olachi Amah

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. But people have replaced God who is bigger than anything we can think of, to Ebola; "the fear of Ebola is the beginning of wisdom". Some people are even contented with having H.I.V, seeing it as a favor, because it is believed that Ebola is more deadly, considering the symptoms and the rate of transmission. You can see two best friends who were so close to each other; the moment one of them is struck with the deadly disease, they don't see eye-to-eye anymore...

How To Create The Mindset For Wealth by Keith M Mc Manus

Let me ask you, what are the odds that you'll become a millionaire? One in a million? One in a thousand? Well, the answer is 1 in 50. That's right, 1 in 50 people living in the world right now are millionaires. This makes it entirely doable and something that's very achievable for you. Boom. The key to getting there is to master the mindset for wealth and to build a wealth consciousness within yourself. Here's how...

Urban Kettling in the 21st Century by Albert Goldson

The increased militarization of law enforcement nationwide is a disconnect with lower crime rates. Yet the government's willingness to utilize over-the-top security measures for minor crimes can easily be abused during natural disasters including the almost concentration camp control of its citizenry through kettling...

Is The Great Environmental Health Threat Affecting You? by Paul A Philips

Even when a Spartan-strict approach towards a healthy lifestyle is applied, that alone cannot guarantee the health of anyone. One vital factor is missing...

America's High Noon Against the Viral Plagues by Albert Goldson

A war-weary America is simultaneously facing two implacable foes that threaten a region and eventually world stability requiring leadership and a world coalition to combat them. How are these foes so similar and does America have the resources and the will?...

Fear of the Future - Overcoming Anxiety Related to Current Events by Lori V Woodward

A quick glance at the news related to current events in the Middle East, post-recovery period of the global economic crisis, fears of terrorism and disease plagues like Ebola Virus in Africa can send chills down anybody's spine. Anxiety and depression are being diagnosed more and more frequently in this current world climate, but there is a hope of overcoming fear and anxiety...

A Coalition of One: America's High Noon in the Middle East by Albert Goldson

Politically America is caught between a rock and a hard place, a lose-lose scenario supporting via air power only, a weak coalition against an implacable, well-armed and battle-hardened adversary in ISIS. Inevitably America will become the coalition of one - High Noon's Gary Cooper to face down the evil threat...

Friday, September 12, 2014

How to Select Dog Treats for Small Dogs

Small dogs need special treats. Learn how to choose the best ones for your pup...

Thursday, September 11, 2014

  • How to Make Money On Your Blog

    by Fab Jen Ell (3 followers)
    Blogging can be a fun creative outlet for many, and it can be more than just a hobby. With some simple tweaks and a little dedication you can make money from your blog too!
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    Basic Yellow Cake

    by Tina Armato
    This is a simple "dump" cake recipe--all the ingredients are added to the mixing bowl at the same time and beaten. Couldn't be simpler! And it can be varied in many ways.
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    How I cured my cold in 24 hours, and you can too

    by Jane Maarpell
    Homemade Liposomal Vitamin C and Peroxide are you best friends when head colds come to visit.
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    Best Ever White Pizza

    by Tina Armato
    This is a blend of 3 cheeses which work together beautifully to create the most flavorful white pizza you've ever tasted.
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    Diabetes, Basic Facts for the beginner Diabetic. Live Well while Managing your Health.

    by Don Bobbitt (644 followers)
    Diabetes is an insidious disease that can become fatal if those afflicted with it do not care for themselves. You can lead a normal life if you just understand how to manage your health.
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    Don't Say That to Someone With Tattoos

    by Organised Kaos (48 followers)
    People can say the most stupidest things to people with tattoos? It really isn't that hard to be polite and not sound like an uninformed idiot - learn what to say and what not to say to people with tattoos.

Essential Power Outage Supplies for Your Home

Is your home prepared for a power outage? Find out what essential supplies you need to be ready when the power grid fails.

Beautiful Red Hair Color

To get red color hair just get the right shade (always choose the lighter one), in the 3shades of your natural hair color. Do not apply color if the hair is damaged, as it looks streaky.

Quitting Facebook

Is it time to quit Facebook for good? That's the question many people find themselves wondering, and whether the social network is good or bad for our relationships.

What is in a Name If it is God then it means something

When reading the Purpose Driven Life in my book club, Rick Warren had mentioned something about knowing God's name - I never thought about it before, does God have a name?

Parenting Can be Growing Pains

The moment one is told they are expecting to become a parent ready or not choosing the day; is the beginning of growing pains as a parent.

Teachings of Siddhartha Gautam

Siddhartha Gautam was a leader, who led by examples. He was not didactic in his teachings but was careful not to impose his beliefs or knowledge on others.

Ghosts! Should I get scared of them?

There are interesting tales of Ghosts or Spirits who have haunted for centuries and when the discussion gets hot there is an unlimited supply of tales. A few experiences put together have a question?

What Is a No Win No Fee Solicitor?

What is no Win no fee? What is a solicitor? Learn the differences between the two right now.

Literature review on forest fire as a forest management tool.

Forest fire is a hysterical fire occurring in a vegetation and it may spread rapidly resulting in fierce blowups and shoulder the physiognomies of a fire storm. Fire has a prodigious capability to rescind the unabridged...

Eating For Weight Loss

For many people, eating is second nature. But for others, the topic of nutrition is more complex and involves manipulating food to meet their health goals which include weight loss.

The beheading in Syria in poetic fashion

I've been watching the pundits criticize President Obama for nonintervention in Syria. I feel the need to inject the notion of waiting to see just what his plans are....

Homemade Liposomal Vitamin C Recipe

Creating a batch of Liposomal C at home is a great way to keep your family healthy without spending a fortune on the manufactured variety.

The Guild Master's Handbook: How to lead a raid in an MMORPG. Top Ten Tips for PvP Raids.

Technological Advancement & The Arctic Tundra

The Arctic encompasses diverse ecosystems that are being deleteriously affected by greenhouse gas emissions and persistent organic pollutants...

Buy A Property In Cesme - Be The Reason Of Envy

How would it be to wake up in the morning in a palatial house, which is completely yours?...

On Cape Cod, Murder is a Name Game

What is in a name? Plenty. When Murder is a "Name Game"....

Bedroom Makeover|Gypsy Bedroom Ideas

We watch shows about the Romani Gypsies and their bling bling. If you love the style of the Romani Gypsies, you may want a Bohemian Gypsy Bedroom. Here are some ideas for that gypsy bedroom makeover....

The Father's House: Heaven

It describes the beauty of Heaven and the need for all to enter by hook or crook. The generosity of God is described at great length. Slightly touching on the last supper promised believers...

My favourite zombie films

From the Dawn of the Dead, to World War Z, can't get those zombies outta my head....

I Hit a Dog with My Car: What Am I Legally Required to Do?

Advice from the SPCA on what you should do if you've run over a dog or other domestic animal with your car

Monday, September 8, 2014

Job as an Extra Ages 3-19 kids/teens 20-85 Men&Women

Job as an Extra Ages 3-19 kids/teens 20-85 Men&Women

Job as an Extra Ages 3-19 kids/teens 20-85 Men&Women

Job as an Extra Ages 3-19 kids/teens 20-85 Men&Women

Make $50 In 10 Minutes

Make $50 In 10 Minutes

AMC Racing films DVD Trans Am Javelin Spirit AMX Nurburgring PICTURE

AMC Racing films DVD Trans Am Javelin Spirit AMX Nurburgring PICTURE

AMC Jeep t shirts PICTURE

AMC Jeep t shirts PICTURE

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Eurosun Manu... Eurosun Manu... Rs. 1,900 707 Lenovo P780 ... Lenovo P780 ... Rs. 19,999 13,677 Believe Ladies Believe Ladies Rs. 900 450

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Job as an Extra Ages 3-19 kids/teens 20-85 Men&Women

Job as an Extra Ages 3-19 kids/teens 20-85 Men&Women

Dodge / Mercedes Sprinter Shelving, ProMaster, Nissan NV Van Shelving PICTURE

Dodge / Mercedes Sprinter Shelving, ProMaster, Nissan NV Van Shelving PICTURE

ATV Tires , Size 22-11-8 and 20-11-8

ATV Tires , Size 22-11-8 and 20-11-8

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Eurosun Manu... Eurosun Manu... Rs. 1,900 707 Lenovo P780 ... Lenovo P780 ... Rs. 19,999 13,677

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G602 Wireless G G602 Wireless G Rs. 6,495 4,199

Monday, September 1, 2014

Got Hot Flashes? Looking For The Best Cooling Mattress Pad? I've Got Ya Covered

Hot flashed and night sweats were my mortal enemy until I found a cooling mattress pad that really works. I wake up feeling cool, refreshed, and ready to face the world...
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How To Get Rid Of Mice Without Hurting Them

Tips to get rid of mice humanely. Rid your home of mice without killing them. Mice cause disease and breed at an alarming rate. Get rid of mice naturally using these tried and tested methods...
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How to Lose Belly Fat Without Any Crash Diet

With our changing lifestyles, obesity has become a pandemic problem. Belly flab is often a bothering problem, inspite of a slim body. A few basic regulations can actually reduce that stubborn fat...
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Must Haves For Moving

Most people don’t look forward to the process of moving, but it can go a little smoother by having the necessary supplies handy...
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Seven Basic Standing Yoga Poses

Practicing yoga standing poses helps us to develop strength and stamina while increasing our overall flexibility. But the standing poses also benefit us on a deeper level...
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NanLT: The Biography of an Energy Healer

How did a woman from Kansas come to be a skilled Reiki and shamanic healer living in London? She is frequently asked this very question and created this biography in response...
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F**K what society thinks is right...Its about what makes you HAPPY

People will judge you regardless of what you do. Society will label you and make you look like your the one in the wrong. Some friends will stay by your side and some will step all over you...
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Spiced Ice Tea

Spice up your day with Spiced Ice Tea...
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Allotments and Community Gardens

All over the world people rent plots of public space so they can grow food for themselves and their families. There is a rich history to this tradition that dates back to medieval times...
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Chemical Warfare

Banned from use in war by the Geneva Convention in 1925, the insipid use of chemicals in agribusiness now threatens everybody...
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To My Mother With Love

A Lady with a Halo have I never seen before, Having the qualities of a fairy in your heart's core. Words coming out of your ruddy lips, Are to me more soothing than the patter of rain drops. You cajole me to...
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The Writer's Mailbag: Installment Nine

 Another installment of the wildly popular writing series.