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Saturday, September 13, 2014

You May Be Courageous and Bold, But Also Sensitive and Timid, and So Needing a Word of Peace! by Sandy Shaw

With all that is going on in our world as this is being written can this incident encourage all those who need a word of uplift and encouragement and motivation and inspiration? What is the world coming to? We have had twenty Centuries of Christianity, but are we any nearer the New Jerusalem? If Christ is Lord of history, where is He leading us? It appears to be all a shambles - morally - financially - spiritually - politically. Ah, Thomas you are such a help here. Thomas is a troubled sensitive beleaguered but courageous soul in that Upper Room. Are we not all a mixture of these emotions and feelings to some degree? Can we this coming week minister to some troubled sensitive beleaguered soul? We will not have far to look for one...

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